Taipei MRT

Taipei MRT

Easy transportation within the city.

What is the Taipei MRT?

The Taipei MRT is a high-capacity metro line that covers most areas of Taipei City. Mostly built within the last 20 years, the system is very new and modern. Please note that drinking or eating is not allowed within the fare areas of stations or on trains.

How many lines are there?

There are currently 5 main lines, with two extension lines for commuters and also a gondola service operated by the MRT company.

The main lines are Red, Blue, Brown, Green, and Orange.

How to use the Taipei MRT?

Riding the Taipei MRT is easy. Simply purchase a ticket from the vending machines and scan the ticket to enter the platform area. The system is available in English, so don't worry about getting lost.

How to get a ticket?

Rides on the Taipei MRT can be accomplished by purchasing a one-time-use token (single ticket) from either the vending machines located at the station platforms, or by usage of an IC card such as Easycard or iPass.